Full-stack Web Developer | DevOps | Mentor

Hi, glad you are here!. My name is Alfred and I am a senior Software Engineer specializing in delivering user-friendly solutions with industry best standards and practices.


I convert Figma, Zeppelin or any UX designs into functional pixel-perfect frontend components. You will usually find me working with React, Vue and Typescript to build out frontend Components.


I also craft the backend / APIs for the bussiness logic which serve data to the frontend components. I usually enjoy building APIs with Node.js, Express, Typescript, Sequelize ORM, any SQL or NoSql database and Ruby.


I also actively ensure the applications developed are secure and serving the end users properly. I deploy the finished products to client's cloud provider of choice e.g(AWS, GCP, Digital Ocean etc) and provision required cloud services for better product performance and security.

About Me

I am a full-stack software developer and well-rounded IT professional with expert knowledge of the software development life-cycle, possessing a solid understanding of technologies required for the development and deployment of highly available and scalable applications including their networks and infrastructure. I have over 4+ years of industry experience. My strong point is not just understanding the complex but communicating it in the simplest form possible thereby making it accessible to anyone.

Currently, I am an Independent Contractor and the senior full-stack / Devops engineer at  zbm   where I maintain various projects and also actively building new ones.

I previously worked as a frontend engineer at Reown   where I developed the company's marketting platform to help increase product awareness and improve investors / partners interactions.

I also worked as the Lead frontend engineer at Razu   where I built interfaces and functionlities to help connect sound engineers, musicians and producers from across the world. To enable them share data in the cloud and collaborate on various music projects.

I also previously worked as a backend engineer intern at Andela   in a team of about 9 engineers where we built the backend of a trip booking service.


+ Javascript

+ React | Redux | Context API

+ Next Js

+ Gatsby

+ Tailwind CSS

+ Typescript

+ Styled-components

+ GraphQL


+ Node Js

+ Express

+ Typescript

+ Mysql

+ Postgres

+ Sequelize

+ MongoDB

+ GraphQL


+ AWS Services such as:

+ EC2

+ Elastic Beanstalk

+ Lambda


+ Amplify

+ Code Pipeline

+ Route 53


Some Projects I have worked on

Take a look at some of my noteworthy projects.

Get in Touch

Have an inquiry or just want to reach out?

Response Time: Within 1 - 2 Days.

© 2022 All rights reserved. Alfred Ezaka